Canine bladder stones are easily confused with simple dog bladder infections. While an infection does not always mean bladder stones, a urinary tract infection can be a symptom of stones. In fact, the first symptom of canine bladder stones that many dog owners notice, is that their Weimaraner has one urinary tract infection after another […]
Weimaraner Adult Dogs
Weimaraner adult dogs are great hunting dogs and good family pets, as well.
Bright and easily bored, they can be difficult to train.
In addition, a Weimaraner can be a very loyal protector of one or more family members.
How Serious is Canine Influenza?
Canine influenza has symptoms similar to several other diseases in dogs. New to veterinary medicine, dog flu comes in two forms, and, under the right circumstances, it spreads quite easily. Knowing what the symptoms of canine influenza are, how it spreads, and how to avoid exposing your dog, can help you prevent infection in your […]
Canine Conjunctivitis in Weimaraners
Canine conjunctivitis, a condition similar to pink eye in people, should be treated promptly, as it can lead to more serious conditions and eye diseases in dogs. Simply stated, dog conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva of your dog’s eyes. The conjunctiva is a very thin membrane on the inside of your dog’s eyelid, […]
Help Dog in Pain
You’ll do almost anything to get help for your dog in pain! However, pain relief for dogs can be tricky. Just like people, dogs do feel pain. But, unlike people, dogs don’t have a good way to tell you what hurts or even that something does hurt! In addition, recognizing pain in your dog can […]
Why is My Dog Limping?
Lameness in Dogs Why is your dog limping? Lameness in dogs is a symptom of illness or injury, not a specific disease. If you see your Weimaraner dog limping or hesitating to put her full weight on one or more legs, you need to pay attention. Of course there are different degrees of lameness, and […]
Kong Dog Toys for Weimaraners
What are Kong dog toys and why are they so popular? Nearly every dog owner has heard of them, and you may have tried a Kong toy or two for your dog. Kong dog toys were originally introduced to the market in 1976. With a strong rubber exterior, they have a hollow interior that pet […]