The BARF dog food diet, or the BARF diet. BARF stands for biologically appropriate diet or bones and raw food diet, and it has become popular for dogs because many owners believe that it is closer to a dog’s natural diet. With all the dog food recalls in recent years, many pet owners have decided […]
large breed dog food
Best Diet for Puppies
What is the best diet for puppies? That’s a tough question, with so many choices of dog food and lots of different ideas on the best way to feed a dog. And, to make it even more confounding, small breeds have different needs from large breeds like Weimaraners. There are many schools of thought on […]
Weimaraner Dog Pet Care
Dog pet care is like taking care of a newly adopted baby. Dog ownership carries responsibilities that should not be taken lightly. You new dog is an addition to your family and he will need to be cared for throughout his entire life. Weimaraners are not a possession that you can throw away when you […]
Gluten Free Dog Food
Gluten free dog food is widely available and people are feeding it to their dogs for a number of reasons. Dog food without gluten is considered to be hypoallergenic and is often prescribed for dogs with allergies. Perhaps the most important feature of any dog food is that it must be nutritionally balanced so your […]