Dog skin allergies in Weimaraners are most often caused by flea allergies or food allergies. Fortunately the Weimaraner breed is not a highly allergic breed.
However, if your dog does develop allergies, prompt attention will prevent the irritated spots from turning into full-fledged hot spots.
Fortunately, in most cases, the itching and irritation can be controlled, and your dog will become much calmer and happier.
Dog Skin Allergies – The Symptoms
How do you know if your dog has skin allergies? In most cases, you will be quite aware that there is a problem. You may see any or all of these symptoms.
Uncontrollable and excessive itching or scratching is the most common symptom of dog allergies. If not treated immediately, it can result in irritation and redness, and the affected area can become puffy and swollen. If your dog continues to scratch, he can develop a skin infection.
Hair loss
Excessive scratching can actually cause hair loss, especially on the leg, rear and tail areas of your dog—often areas that get scratched a lot.
Digestive problems
It may seem unlikely that itching can cause digestive problems in your dog. However, Weimaraners sometimes get so frustrated and upset by the itching of dog skin allergies, that they can lose their appetites, or even have diarrhea or vomiting.
Personality changes
Weims with excessive itching are sometimes irritable or become aggressive. Just like you, if you have poison ivy and lots of itching. Your dog can become more touchy and less tolerant.
Types of Dog Skin Allergies
Weimaraners generally have few allergies, but there are a couple that you should be aware of:
- Flea allergies – Almost any dog can get fleas. If your dog has flea allergies, he is actually allergic to flea saliva. When bitten by a flea, your dog itches, then scratches, and the cycle starts.
- Staphyloccus bacterial infection – This is not an allergy, but it is often confused with flea allergies. It is a bacterial infection of the skin. The symptoms are similar to those of flea allergy, and the two are frequently misdiagnosed. To determine which one you are dealing with, your vet may do a “skin scraping” and testing.
- Atopic allergies – Direct contact of your dog’s skin to certain products such as laundry soap, alcohol, chemicals, bath soap and even the shampoo you use on her causes some allergies. If your dog is allergic to her shampoo, try using a quality hypoallergenic dog shampoo.
- Food allergies – Weimaraners often do have food allergies and food allergies can surface as dog skin allergies. The most common allergans (foods that cause an allergic reaction) are wheat and corn. Feeding your dog a good hypoallergenic dog food, and avoiding the food allergans, can eliminate the problem. In addition, don’t forget to check the ingredients on the dog treats that you give to your dog.
Treatment and Prevention of Weimaraner Allergies
Proper treatment is necessary when your Weimaraner suffers from certain allergies.
- Food – Start with the food he eats. Make sure that you only give him quality hypoallergenic dog food to ensure that he gets the proper nutrients. And make sure that your dog’s food does not contain ingredients that she is allergic to.
- Dietary supplements – Sometimes a supplement can help. Pure Alaskan salmon oil can boost your pet’s immune system to fight off allergens. Salmon oil is especially helpful in clearing up nasty skin itchiness and infections.
- Hypoallergenic shampoo – Using hypoallergenic dog shampoo
or dog oatmeal shampoo can soothe the itchiness and help to calm your dog. - Remedies for itching – such as this Hot Spot Spray, made to relieve itching and heal the skin.
- Good grooming habits – such as bathing your dog regularly, can help to prevent some allergic reactions. Dog skin allergies affect your dog’s over all well being. Not only do they affect your dog’s skin, they can affect his digestion (and health) and his temperament.
If you see your dog scratching, check him to see what is causing the itchiness. Nipping the problem in the bud will prevent further problems and make your life easier, as well!
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