Rheumatoid arthritis in dogs is a form of arthritis where a dog’s immune system turns against him. Your dog’s body becomes his enemy. His immune system actually attacks his joints. Just like rheumatoid arthritis in people, rheumatoid arthritis in dogs affects a dog’s joints. It inflames the joints and causes heat, redness, swelling, pain and […]
pain in dogs
Dog Cancer Treatment
Even though dog cancer treatment has made great strides in recent years, we still do not have a single and complete cure for cancer in dogs and cats. With no single best treatment for the varied kinds of canine cancer, your vet may use a variety of approaches to get the best result. Whether your […]
Dog Cancer in Weimaraners
Dog cancer in Weimaraners, is an illness that we most frequently see in dogs that are over 7 years old. If cancer is treated early, we see better results. However, canine cancer can be tricky to detect. There are more than 100 types of canine cancer, and cancer can affect almost any tissue in your […]
Weimaraner Old Age Problems
Is your dog experiencing Weimaraner old age problems? We know that large breed dogs like Weimaraners age more quickly than small breed dogs. That, of course, means that they don’t live as long. So what does that mean for our Weimaraners? Well, the average Weimaraner lives to be 10-12 years old. While those numbers are […]
Weimaraner Dog Pancreatitis Symptoms
Weimaraner dog pancreatitis symptoms often appear between Thanksgiving and New Year’s celebrations. This is because well meaning pet parents share rich and sometimes greasy treats left over from their holiday dinners. Sadly, while you are out shopping for Black Friday specials, the veterinary clinics will be busy treating sick dogs in pain with pancreatitis attacks. […]
Canine Bladder Stones in Weimaraners
Canine bladder stones are easily confused with simple dog bladder infections. While an infection does not always mean bladder stones, a urinary tract infection can be a symptom of stones. In fact, the first symptom of canine bladder stones that many dog owners notice, is that their Weimaraner has one urinary tract infection after another […]