Dog pet care is like taking care of a newly adopted baby. Dog ownership carries responsibilities that should not be taken lightly. You new dog is an addition to your family and he will need to be cared for throughout his entire life.
Weimaraners are not a possession that you can throw away when you get tired of them. They are lifelong friends who need your love and attention. In return, they give you loving companionship and absolute loyalty.
The rewards of having a dog are great! However, there are a few things that you’ll need to do, in order to insure that you have a good relationship with your well-behaved dog…
What’s Involved in Dog Pet Care?
As you page down, you will see red headlines for sections or topics. Under each topic you’ll find summaries of articles concerning that topic.
When you want to read more, just click on the link below the summary.
- Feeding your Weimaraner
- Shelter for your Dog
- Everyday Medical Stuff
- Medical Emergencies
- Prevention and Preparation
- Grooming your Weimaraner
Feeding your Weimaraner
What’s Involved in Feeding Dogs?
Giving your dog food every day is easy, but you need to do it routinely, at the same time every day. You’ll also need to decide on a dog diet for your Weimaraner.
Feeding a dog today is a lot different than it used to be. The many choices in diets include the BARF (biologically appropriate raw foods), gluten free, grain free and other specialty diets.
Give your dog’s food and water bowls a designated place, so your dog will be comfortable knowing where they will always be found.
Click on this link to find articles on feeding schedules and diets for dogs.
Shelter for your Dog
Your dog needs a special personal place where he can hang out and feel safe. Whether you get him a metal crate or an attractive furniture dog crate, your dog will appreciate being able to retreat to his personal safe “den”.
Also consider providing a comfortable dog bed for your pet.
Metal Dog Crates
For most puppies, a metal dog crate is his first private spot in his new home, your home.
Metal crates are helpful when you are housetraining your new puppy, and they provide a safe and quiet place for your puppy to hang out.
While your puppy feels secure in his crate, he can also see everything that is going on around him. Puppies are curious, just like you.
Continue reading about metal dog crates.
Large Dog Crates
Of course there are dog crates in several sizes. Oh, all the choices!
So what is the right size dog crate for your dog? It depends.
You have to decide how your dog crate will be used. Will you use it exclusively at home? Or perhaps you’ll take it with you when you travel.
Do you intend to replace it when your dog gets older and bigger? Then your choice might be a different one.
Read all about choosing the size of your dog crate here.
Dog Crate Furniture
Dog crate furniture serves two different purposes. The first, and most important to your dog, is that it provides a nice private hideaway for your dog. It’s a great place to sleep or relax, and you won’t be far from the rest of the pack.
Secondly, if you purchase a quality product, it provides a nice piece of furniture that will add to your home’s decor.
Purchasing dog crate furniture is moving up. It gives you the opportunity to remove the metal dog cage from your living room and add a nice accent piece of furniture.
And visitors to your home will hardly note that your dog is in it!
Read more about dog crate furniture.
Everyday Medical Stuff
Dog Pregnancy Symptoms
Dogs can’t tell you when they are pregnant, and pregnancy symptoms often don’t appear until later in the pregnancy.
So, if your female dog has not been spayed, it’s a good idea to become familiar with the signs of pregnancy.
In addition, if you do discover that your dog is pregnant, there are some basic steps you can take to make sure that she remains healthy and has a safe pregnancy.
Continue reading about dog pregnancy symptoms here.
Canine Seasonal Allergies
Did you know that dogs can have seasonal allergies, just like you? They can be allergic to things in the environment like pollen or grass.
If your dog has seasonal allergies, she will have symptoms that are similar to those in people.
Some of those symptoms, like wheezing, can be pretty frightening if you don’t know that your dog has allergies.
Learn about seasonal allergy symptoms in dogs and what you can do about them.
This article also gives you some ideas on how to give your dog some relief.
Constipation in your Dog
Just like with people, dogs sometimes get constipated and have difficulty having a bowel movement. If this only happens once in awhile, it’s probably OK and nothing to worry about.
There are, of course, ways to tell if your dog is constipated. If you learn the symptoms, you will be able to tell right away if your dog is having an issue.
And whether the problem is serious or not.
This article also discusses the causes of constipation so you can avoid the problem altogether. And, of course, you’ll get some tips on how to handle constipation in your Weimaraner.
Read more about constipation in dogs.
Medical Emergencies
What if your Dog eats Chocolate?
You’ve just come home from the store, and there in the kitchen is your Weimaraner, finishing a chocolate candy bar that was on the countertop.
Of course your first reaction is panic! How serious is this and should you rush your dog to the vet?
You’ll find the answers to those questions and you’ll learn how to determine if you have an emergency, in this article.
In the end, if you decide that your dog’s symptoms are not severe enough to rush to the animal hospital, you’ll also find some natural ways to help your pet move the toxins through his system.
Read more about dogs and chocolate here.
Emergency Dog Pet Care for Dogs
Whether your Weimaraner is a hunter or you frequently take him for a romp in a field near your home, you are bound to have a little emergency or two.
Carefree, fast runners and always ready for an adventure, Weimaraners run into everything from briars to poisonous plants that make them itchy!
This article gives you an overview of all the little day to day emergencies that you may encounter with your dog and what you can do for many of them.
Continue reading about common dog emergency care.
Symptoms of a Dog Heat Stroke
Not all dogs are equally vulnerable to heat strokes.
Weimaraners can become overheated and suffer a heat stroke, mostly because they are active dogs that just keep going.
Given the right conditions, your dog could first suffer from heat exhaustion, then from a stroke.
This article explains exactly what a heat stroke is, and how you can prevent them. You’ll also learn the symptoms to look for, when you are outside with your dog in hot weather.
Read about the symptoms of a dog heat stroke now.
Emergency Care for a Dog Heat Stroke
Since hunting dogs like Weimaraners are at risk for heat stroke, it is important to know what to do if you suspect that your dog is overheated.
Heat strokes in dogs are an emergency, but there are 5 things that you can do, before you rush your dog to the veterinary hospital.
The article also covers the causes of heat stroke and how to prevent one. You’ll also learn the serious and lasting consequences of having a dog heat stroke.
Read more about what to do if your dog has a heat stroke.
Prevention and Preparation for Emergencies
Emergency Evacuation Plans – Weimaraner Dog Pet Care
If there is a natural disaster like a hurricane, flood or tornado in your area, you may be told to evacuate your home.
Most people really never give this a thought, and they are not prepared for an emergency. When this happens, you will be busy with preparing your home, packing your family’s clothing and documents, getting in touch with friends and relatives.
Keeping your dog safe during natural emergencies is your responsibility.
And, while we don’t usually pay much attention to the possibility of natural disasters, they do happen. If you have ever been in a hurricane, tornado or experienced an earthquake, you know that you may not have a lot of time to react.
Have a plan in place for emergencies and know what you will do if you get separated from your dog.
Continue reading about emergency evacuation plans.
Be Prepared for Hurricanes
We know for days ahead of time that a hurricane is coming our way.
If the forecast is for a direct hit from a hurricane, you’ll need to secure anything in your yard that could blow away, and do what you can to protect your home.
While a lot of things need to be done at the very last minute, one thing you can do ahead of time is pack a kit or bag with your dog’s needs.
Then, whether you take your dog with you if you evacuate, or you take him to a kennel or relative’s house, he will have everything that he needs.
Read more about what to include in a pet hurricane preparedness kit.
Dog and Puppy Vaccinations
You will need to take your dog to the vet for routine checkups. This includes preventative vaccinations, heartworm prevention, and treatment for illnesses or injury.
Depending on where you live, some vaccinations for dogs are not required. Different localities have different laws and requirements.
Most dogs are fine when they are vaccinated, but there are some who are more sensitive to vaccinations.
If you have a sensitive dog, you will need to monitor your dog for reactions after every shot.
Read more about vaccinating dogs and puppies.
Grooming your Weimaraner
Dog Pet Care includes Grooming your Weimaraner
Weimaraners don’t need a lot of prissy dog grooming care, but you will need to give them some attention. After a romp in the woods or fields, check for ticks, brush and perhaps, bathe your dog.
To remove shed hair, burrs, and other foreign matter, brush your dog regularly–especially after hunting or a run. When you do this, you will find parasites like ticks and fleas, cuts or injuries and any skin irritations that you might not otherwise find.
Also brush and bathe your Weimaraner during months when your dog spends lots of time outdoors, especially if he has seasonal allergies.
Of course you’ll need to address other grooming needs. Dog and pet care requires attention to your dog’s eyes, mouth, ears and paws.
Continue reading about grooming a Weimaraner.
Your Dog’s Bad Breath
When your puppy was little, his breath was sweet. But, now that he’s an adult, you’ve noticed that he has a problem with dog breath!
Most of the time, we just ignore it, because we think it’s a natural occurrence as dogs get older. However, that’s not necessarily true.
Dogs can have bad breath because their teeth have food stuck in them. Or they can have a breath issue because they have an illness or disease.
And paying attention to symptoms like bad breath, can sometimes actually prevent more serious illnesses like heart disease.
Continue reading about dog bad breath.
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